CRPD – Concluding observations prohibit any medical or scientific experimentation on persons with disabilities without their free and informed consent

Many TIs are labeled with (fabricated) mental health issues, also known as psychosocial disabilities. In the Netherlands, they may also label you a confused person and even put you on terrorist lists, assign you a terrorist code (CTER).

Tomo Shibata, a TI herself, was at the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in August and September 2024, and, with some information provided by STOPEG, managed to add a statement about human experimentation to the ‘Concluding observations on the initial report of the Netherlands’ to the section ‘Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (art. 15)’.

The ‘Concluding observations’ report is send by the United Nations to all relevant ministries in the Netherlands.

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